Prince’s Trust Programme are coming to New College Swindon

Transform your future! Discover confidence boosting courses and nationally recognised qualifications at New College Swindon with The Prince’s Trust

New College Swindon is proud to announce the launch of The Prince’s Trust TEAM programme. Aimed at young people (aged 16-25) who are stuck in life, the programmes are designed to inspire, give direction, help build confidence, independence and gain essential skills for life and the world of work.

Empowering Young People: TEAM Programme at New College Swindon

One of the standout offerings is The Prince’s Trust TEAM Programme – a 12-week challenging, personal development programme which includes:

Community Projects: Engaging and rewarding projects that connect young people to their local communities and help them to build networks and connections

Employability Weeks: Work experience, mock interviews, CV workshops and guest speakers

Nationally Recognised Qualifications: Participants gain a qualification in ‘Employability, Teamwork and Community Skills’

Practical Skills: Development of essential skills for personal and professional growth

Residential Week: A challenging week away to stretch participants and build teamwork and resilience

Much greater than the sum of its parts, the programme opens up new possibilities. Participants leave inspired, with a clear direction in life and a plan for their next steps. Many move straight into work, having made connections on the programme. Others go back to education, start volunteering or start living a more independent life.

Join Us and Transform Your Future

The Prince’s Trust at New College Swindon is here to support young people in their journey towards a brighter future. Whether you aim to work on your confidence, gain essential skills for the workplace, or simply make new connections and friends for life, our programmes are tailored to meet your needs.

Elizabeth Postgate, who is setting the Prince’s Trust Programmes up at New College after 10 years of running them in Swindon, said, “I’m delighted that New College Swindon are starting The Prince’s Trust Team programme. It’s a life-changing course for young people, which Swindon needs now more than ever. Over 12 weeks, young people take part in a series of challenging learning activities. By the end they have grown in confidence, made friends for life, learnt new skills and increased their independence and resilience. There are always tears at the end of programme celebration when they see just how far they’ve come and what they’ve achieved!”

About The Prince’s Trust

Founded by King Charles with the aim of empowering young people who found themselves at a disadvantage in life, The Prince’s Trust is a youth charity that helps young people aged 13 to 30 get into jobs, education, and training. Since 1976, they have helped over a million young people in the UK, and continue to support tens of thousands each year.

NCS Joins Forces with the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance to Champion Diversity and Inclusion

The Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance is proud to announce that New College Swindon has joined as a patron, furthering the Alliance’s mission to promote diversity and inclusion within the apprenticeship sector. This partnership is a significant step towards ensuring that individuals from diverse backgrounds have equal access to quality education and career opportunities. 

The Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance is dedicated to bridging the gap between underrepresented communities and apprenticeship and skills opportunities. With New College Swindon’s support, the Alliance will enhance its efforts to create pathways for talent from all cultural backgrounds, ensuring a more inclusive education, apprenticeship provision and workforce.  

“We are absolutely delighted to welcome New College Swindon as patrons of the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance. Their commitment to diversity and inclusion in education aligns perfectly with our mission to create equitable opportunities for all. This partnership will undoubtedly enhance our efforts to bridge gaps and provide meaningful pathways for individuals from diverse backgrounds.” said Jagdeep Soor, Executive Director at Pathway Group and the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance. 

As a patron, New College Swindon will actively support the development and implementation of initiatives that promote diversity within apprenticeship programs. This includes outreach efforts to engage underrepresented communities, providing mentorship and guidance to apprentices, and collaborating on research and advocacy efforts to address barriers to participation. 

Matt Butcher Vice Principal – Commercial, Skills and Partnerships is thrilled about the partnership and comments, “NCS are committed to making apprenticeships available to all and we’re really excited to join the Alliance and benefit from their expertise in reaching out to all communities across Swindon and beyond. It’s an exciting time for apprenticeships at New College Swindon, and we’re determined that the whole community benefit from the opportunities they can bring.” 

New College Swindon’s involvement with the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance is part of its broader strategy to champion inclusivity and equality in education and employment. The college has a longstanding reputation for excellence in providing high-quality education and training, and this new partnership further underscores its dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of students and the wider community. 

“We are incredibly enthusiastic about New College Swindon becoming patrons of the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance. Their dedication to championing diversity and inclusion in education resonates deeply with our mission. This partnership marks a significant step forward in our collective efforts to ensure that individuals from all backgrounds have the opportunity to thrive in apprenticeship programmes. We are excited to work together to drive meaningful change and celebrate the achievements of multicultural apprentices.” said Safaraz Ali, CEO of Pathway Group and Founder of the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance. 

New College Swindon Art and Design Students Collaborate with Swindon Borough Council on Town Centre Arts Project

Level 3 Art and Design Creative Practice students have been working on a collaborative project with Swindon Borough Council (SBC), creating individual pieces of public art based on the Mechanics Institute.

The Street Works project, led by Karen Phimister, SBC Heritage Actions Zone Project Officer, aims to improve the pedestrian route from the train station to the Outlet Village. Karen says, “We have been working with New College Swindon alumni, Luke Grey, designer of the Shepard Street underpass mural to support students in creating their own artwork based on the history of Swindon.”  Karen continues, “it’s been a lovely project to work on, I’m so pleased with the outcome.”

Luke, who designs and creates murals all over the world, worked closely with the students and supported them in developing their designs, how to apply for a tender, how to meet the set brief, as well as discussing his experiences as a muralist in the creative industries.

Each student responded to a set brief from Diana Hatton at SBC, who came into college as a visiting speaker on numerous occasions to support the students in understanding how to apply for a tender, what is suitable public art, exposing them to artists who work within this field, and how to submit an expression of interest (EOI). 

Each student submitted an EOI and had an interview with Diana and Karen to showcase their designs. Students used these ideas to produce work to a set colour palette,

which was representative of the area including the Great Western Railway, local people, the fire at the Mechanics Institute, as well as features of wall paper and the exterior and interior of the Mechanics Institute.

The students visited the local carriage works and Emlyn Square and were given the knowledge and understanding of the area and how the Mechanics Institute used to be the hub of the area.  The students were given the opportunity to view archive photos of the building in use as well as the deterioration of the building and how it has become what it is today.

Eleanor Smith, Creative Art and Design student said, “The project has gone really well.  We welcomed being given a brief and the opportunity to work collaboratively as a team and alongside the team at Swindon Borough Council.  It was really interesting to learn about the rail workers, the trains, and all the big parts that make Swindon what it is today.”

The students work will be produced and installed outside the Carriage Works by the end of August.

New College Swindon University Centre Shares Superb National Student Survey Results

New College Swindon University Centre has seen significant improvements across all seven areas of the 2024 National Student Survey (NSS) for its taught provision.  

The NSS is commissioned annually by the Office for Students (OfS) and invites final-year students to provide feedback on their experience over the course of their studies at the college. The results, published on the 10th July 2024, covered areas such as academic support, student voice, and learning opportunities. 

Students responded well to the survey with a good response rate of 74% compared to a sector rate of 72%. The New College Swindon University Centre has received incredibly positive results this year, increasing its positivity score across all themes of the NSS for its taught provision with notable highlights including: 

  • Students rated the overall ‘Teaching on my Course’ section with a positivity score of 89.58%, an improvement on last year, with a particularly pleasing score in this subcategory for ‘How good are the teaching staff at explaining things?’ scoring 94.44% against a sector rate of 91.13% 
  • The ‘Assessment and feedback’ section scored above the sector rate of 78.27%, at 86.94% 
  • ‘Academic Support’ increased to 93.75% from 89.55% in 2023, against a sector rate of 85.55%. 

Commenting on the college’s results, Lynne Plested, Deputy Principal – Curriculum and Quality said, “It’s fantastic news that our students are rating us highly in areas such as academic support, teaching on their course, and assessment and feedback, all of which are fundamental to the first-rate student experience we aim to offer. We have improved on last year’s positive NSS results and continue to improve the quality of the higher-level education we offer to the people of Swindon and the surrounding areas.” 

Head of Higher Education, Nicola Pedley added, “Our results reflect the work that takes place all year-round, across our degree-level courses, to deliver quality teaching in an environment which nurtures our students and supports them to develop the higher-level skills they need to advance their career.”  Nicola continues, “As always, the survey allows us to monitor all aspects of our provision, analysing the results closely along with student feedback, to continuously improve the student experience. We thank all our students for taking time to provide their valuable feedback.” 

Exceptional End of Year Shows from New College Swindon University Centre Students

Media Makeup End of Year Show

New College Swindon hosted its 20th Media Makeup End of Year Show at STEAM Museum. Students from Level 1 to Degree-Level strutted their final pieces down a catwalk in front of friends, family, and members of the public, inspired by a range of themes such as ‘monsters from the movies’, ‘fruit’, and ‘the circus’.

Once again, students from the BTEC Level 3 Photography course attended to photograph the show, alongside Degree-Level film and media students. The Media Makeup Show allows photography students to document before and after photos and help build their portfolios.

Graphic Design Showcase

The final Graphic Design HND show was a fantastic way to conclude the course, as each student not only exhibited their unique work, demonstrating our distinct skill sets, but also demonstrated their ability to work as a team.

HND Graphic Design student, Muriel De Souza said “Throughout the training, I gained a variety of technical abilities as well as learnt how to pay attention to detail when displaying my work at the show. Through this course, I also received an opportunity to work at a start-up called My Racing Colours as a junior graphic designer, which is surely an outstanding start for my career in design.”

Your place is waiting at New College Swindon University Centre. What are you waiting for?

New College Swindon University Centre Creative Courses

New College Swindon School of Art End the Year on a High!

New College Swindon School of Art students had a busy end to the year with some exciting performances and showcases.

Mary Poppins – Performing Arts End of Year Production

Performing arts students teamed up with photography students to capture the end of year production, Mary Poppins. The production allowed students to develop professional and personal skills, such as time management and organisation. Clare Ashley, BTEC Level 3 Photography lecturer said “Photographing college productions is excellent work experience for my students. They’re challenged to work in low-lit conditions, still producing high-quality images.”

A BTEC Level 3 Photography student, Harry Jenner said “Mary Poppins was a great work experience. I loved the mutual benefit of working with other students. I’m a little shy, but this has helped me improve my networking and communication skills.”

A Level Textiles & Fashion Roundup

It has been another busy year for A Level fashion and textiles students who were involved in the Swindogs charity event where the student’s very own SwinPup was auctioned to a new home. In addition, students were involved in ‘Stitch your Story’ with a local production company, Create Studios, having their embroidery work displayed on heritage banners.

The work was displayed in the Swindon McArthur Glen Outlet showcasing exemplary printed textiles, lingerie pieces, woven garments, wallpaper, and interiors. To top it off, 91% of the Year 2 Textiles cohort gained places at university, with others progressing to do apprenticeships with various employers such as Rolls Royce and a kitchen design company.

Karen Pau, Assistant Curriculum Manager for Creative Industries said, “The End of Year Showcase was amazing and celebrates the diversity, dedication and creativity of all of our learners.”

Digital Music Production Show (DMP)

On the 27th of June, DMP students held a sell-out show in the Phoenix Theatre at Queens Drive, promoting their music. Of the 13 acts who performed, Casey Johnston won Track of the Year 2024, for her track “Fool”, voted by students and staff around the college.

Listen to the show

Ewan Varney was awarded Student of the Year 2024 for his outstanding work over the two years and for helping other students with their work. Ewan said “Everyone has been so helpful in helping my band start a music career. My lecturer, Stuart Rowe has guided me through some tough moments. I’ll miss the college a lot!”
Stuart Rowe, Programme Lead said, “The students were amazing, everyone stepped up to do a very professional show, they ran the sound, the lighting, the door, and all of the backstage organisation.”

In addition to all the fantastic events the students have held, they also have their work displayed in the main areas of the college campuses. Joanne Gennard, Curriculum Manager for Creative Industries said, “The End of Year Exhibition is a lovely opportunity to celebrate our student’s achievements throughout the year and showcase their favourite work.”


At the end of June, Creative Media students hosted their “Noscars” evening to celebrate young creative minds. The evening that was advertised, set up, run, and photographed by the students was a resounding success.

Supported Internship Student Offered Permanent Position at Arkells Pub The Strawberry Thief

New College Swindon (NCS) Supported Internship student, Freddie, has been employed as a permanent member of staff at The Strawberry Thief, Swindon’s newest pub in Tadpole Garden Village. The Supported Internship programme is designed to support young people who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to gain paid employment.

Freddie said “The programme has given me the opportunity to showcase my skills and get out of my comfort zone. I’ve built up my confidence and practiced good time management skills. I’m really pleased they’re [Strawberry Thief] keeping me on board as I enjoy the role and the staff are really welcoming and helpful.”

As a thank you for Freddie’s hard work and a congratulations for securing his job, Arkells presented Freddie with a hamper of beverages, popcorn and cinema tickets. All of his favourites!

During the presentation, Arkell Managing Director, George Arkell, commented about Freddie’s achievement, saying, “It is an accolade to you, Freddie, that you have been taken on as a full-time member of staff after just 6 months of your Supported Internship at The Strawberry Thief. The team are lucky to have you on board.”

After the presentation, we caught up with Michelle Ferris, Supported Internship Job Coach at NCS, who added, “Freddie joined the Supported Internship Programme at New College in September 2023. Freddie wanted to improve his customer service skills and Arkells were happy to place him at Strawberry Thief pub.”

Freddie has been working for three days a week at The Strawberry Thief. He has discovered he is a dab hand at making and serving coffee. He enjoys making sure customers are happy and now looks forwards to the regular customers coming in as well as meeting new customers. Freddie has done so well; Strawberry Thief has taken him on as a permanent employee.”

Foundation Learning and Supported Internships

New College Swindon Hosts 4th Annual FE Student Awards

A night to remember! New College Swindon celebrated, alongside their families, governors, college staff and dignitaries in the Phoenix Theatre at Queens Drive, the success of 26 students who have gone above and beyond in the classroom in the last 12 months.

The ceremony, hosted by Leah Palmer, Principal and CEO celebrated more than academic excellence. Proud lecturers shared inspiring citations of students who have overcome personal hurdles, contributed to the community, and made a positive impact in college.

Former Principal and CEO, Carole Kitching, presented the first ever Carole Kitching Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Community. The winner, Rhys Stacey, was congratulated for his advocacy for students with physical and learning disabilities. His citation read “This year, Rhys met with Robert Buckland to discuss funding for accessibility in colleges. His efforts have been instrumental in driving positive changes and raising awareness for this important cause. Rhys has also played a significant role in creating informative leaflets for new students, which will undoubtedly benefit incoming students in September 2024.”

Following the ceremony, students were asked how they felt about receiving the award and to share advice with the next generation of students to inspire them to work hard towards receiving their own FE Award. Daniel Farmer, winner of the Enterprise Award said “Two years seems like a long time, but it comes around quickly. Make the most of the time you have here!”

We wish all of our students the very best with their exams and hope they continue to shine their excellence in their future endeavours.

There’s still time to apply for September

New College Swindon Student Wins Guild of Bricklayers Regional Heat

New College Swindon played host to the Guild of Bricklayers for their annual competition in which Level 3 student, Ethan Lee, won the senior category.  Level 2 Student Austin Baily-Tobin also took part and said of the competition, “Although it was challenging and quite stressful working under pressure, I enjoyed the competition. It was a great opportunity to showcase the skills I have learned so far whilst studying at the college.” 

The competition celebrates the rich heritage of bricklaying and sets an important stage for emerging talents to display their skills and vie for the coveted title of UK’s top junior bricklayer. 

When asked about his win, Ethan said, “This is the first competition I have been part of which was exciting. It was a chance for me to showcase the skills I have learned, and it was good experience. I’m very pleased with myself for winning and making it to the National Final in London.” 

Bill Bowman, President of the Guild of Bricklayers said, “competitions are a long-standing tradition within the Guild of Bricklayers, dating back over 40 years. The craft, skills, and knowledge are clearly demonstrated at these events.”  He continues, “Our thanks go to all the college staff involved for all their effort in making this competition possible.  The Guild of Bricklayers greatly appreciate the contribution of the college for their generous hospitality.” 

The winners of the regional competitions will go on to the grand final taking place on the 20th of June at Herts Regional College Broxbourne Campus. 

Empowering Women Through Student-Led Sports Sessions: Breaking Barriers and Building Confidence

Recently two Sports students at New College Swindon were selected to become This Girl Can Ambassadors as part of a programme created by the Association of Colleges. The purpose of the programme is to promote, inspire and support other females within their colleges to participate in sport and physical activity’ (AOC Sport, 2024)

The award has been designed to help young people to take part in sport/physical activity that they may not have the confidence or the opportunity to do. The students planned and ran sessions in volleyball, boxing, yoga and Netball, the sessions were available for any female student at the college to sign up to.

This Girl Can Ambassadors and students Jade and Dextra said “We have provided a variety of different activities based on feedback from students around the college. As sports students we understand the importance of keeping fit, not just for your physical wellbeing but also your mental health. We hope that this has had a positive impact on the students that took part views on exercise”

Sports Lecture, Lisa Benson said “It is a delight to see students taking part in new activities they may have not tired before. This is even more rewarding when the students taking part are those that do not regularly take part in physical activity. Jade and Dextra have taken their roles very seriously, they showed confidence when talking to different groups and took charge of the event ensuring everyone was involved and enjoying themselves.”

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