Recently two Sports students at New College Swindon were selected to become This Girl Can Ambassadors as part of a programme created by the Association of Colleges. The purpose of the programme is to promote, inspire and support other females within their colleges to participate in sport and physical activity’ (AOC Sport, 2024)
The award has been designed to help young people to take part in sport/physical activity that they may not have the confidence or the opportunity to do. The students planned and ran sessions in volleyball, boxing, yoga and Netball, the sessions were available for any female student at the college to sign up to.
This Girl Can Ambassadors and students Jade and Dextra said “We have provided a variety of different activities based on feedback from students around the college. As sports students we understand the importance of keeping fit, not just for your physical wellbeing but also your mental health. We hope that this has had a positive impact on the students that took part views on exercise”
Sports Lecture, Lisa Benson said “It is a delight to see students taking part in new activities they may have not tired before. This is even more rewarding when the students taking part are those that do not regularly take part in physical activity. Jade and Dextra have taken their roles very seriously, they showed confidence when talking to different groups and took charge of the event ensuring everyone was involved and enjoying themselves.”