You must be employed within a relevant job role to undertake the programme. Employers offer apprenticeship vacancies and will set job-specific entry requirements. We can also assist in finding you a suitable employer.
If you do not already hold a minimum GCSE Grade 4 in English and Maths (or equivalent) you will be required to study Functional Skills over three days in these areas as part of your apprenticeship. You must be able to achieve a minimum of Level 2 in your Initial Diagnostic Assessment to be accepted onto this apprenticeship.
Please contact the team at
On completion of your apprenticeship, you could progress on to a higher level apprenticeship or enter full-time employment.
Full-time career opportunities may include:
Education Practitioner
FE Learning Skills Teacher
Learning and Skills Practitioner
Learning and Skills Teacher
If you have a question about this or any other University Centre course, email